Rain Bird is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of irrigation products and services, headquartered in Azusa, California.

Over the past eight decades, Rain Bird has been awarded more than 450 patents worldwide, including the first horizontally acting impact-driven sprinkler head in 1935 (U.S. Patent #1,997,901), which revolutionized the food production industry and ushered in a new era in food production. Irrigation. In fact, the original impact sprinkler was designated a Historic Landmark by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers in 1990.
Rain Bird’s engineering, marketing, manufacturing and sales teams worked together to develop innovative water-saving products, including irrigation sprinklers, drip irrigation tubing, pumps and timers/controllers. Today, we offer more than 4,000 water-efficient irrigation products and services from offices and manufacturing facilities in Arizona, Alabama, Mexico, France and other parts of the world.
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Rain Bird has been involved in fascinating projects in a variety of environments around the world, from designing landscape irrigation for a professional soccer stadium in Brazil to designing a smart golf course irrigation system in Admiralty Inlet, Florida. We have supported environmental sustainability through our work with the Silicon Oasis Eco-City in Dubai and helped renovate the National Mall in Washington, DC.